Sometimes Rotary touches people in small ways
I was on the Micronesian island of Pohnpei last week when I had a small encounter with the worldwide reach of Rotary. I had already seen everything I had come for: the fabulous ruins of Nan Madal, the splendor of Sokehs Rock, and the sacred fresh water eels the island is known for. Time to head homChange e.
Only problem was that the three-times-a-week United flight that would bring me back to Honolulu was canceled. I was almost out of cash and now had two more days to spend there and nothing to pass the time. It was raining hard and thereʻs no nightlife to speak of in Pohnpei, so I was standing in a long line at the island’s only working ATM wondering how I was going to pass the next two days and nights. More than anything, I needed a good, long book to keep me occupied.
Just then a young woman stepped forward to tell everyone in line that the Rotary Club of Pohnpei was celebrating the opening of its brand-new little free library — you know, one of those give-one, take-one kind of places you see in some local neighborhoods — on the street. Rotary members had built the library in a non-working phone booth in front of town’s telecommunication building. They were also selling beautiful 2025 Micronesian calendars for $5 each.
When I finally got my money about an hour later, I walked down to the phone booth and introduced myself as a fellow Rotarian. I bought four calendars to bring home as gifts, and browsed the library’s selection, where I found an original copy of a great book I had read but forgotten almost 30 years ago: Jan Karon’s “At Home in Mitford.”
That 540-page book not only got me through two more nights in my 2-star hotel, but almost lasted me all the way home to Honolulu, a 10-hour flight. And it made me just a little more appreciative of all the projects big and small that thousands of Rotarians around the world take on every year to make their communities better.
Kalahngan, Pohnpei. I owe you a book. I’ll pay it forward. It's what Rotarians do.
Service Above Self
Volcano , HI 96718
United States of America